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Contact Selro

Selro Multi-Channel Selling

Grow your E-Commerce store across multiple sales channels
  • Multi-Channel Inventory and listing Management

  • Multi-Channel Order Management

  • Shipping and Courier Integration

“When you join Selro you get more than just a system, you get amazing service and a team of people on your side wanting to help your business that know a lot about eCommerceI’ve not looked back since joining Selro, they make the running of a business easier and Im excited about the future of my business”

Andy Tauber

MD Kiddimax Ltd

e.g Inventory Management, Order Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take any commissions from sales?2023-06-05T16:32:58+00:00

Selro never takes commissions from sales. It only charges a fixed monthly subscription charge based on order volumes in each tier. Unlike most of our competitors, Selro is committed to keeping pricing transparent to all  customers.

What if we go over the order levels for some months? Do you move the subscription tier up automatically?2023-02-27T17:45:45+00:00

No, Selro doesn’t automatically upgrade the subscription if you go over the order limit in one month (e.g. during Xmas sales). We monitor for two months, and if the number of orders is continuously exceeding the limit, we will let you know and move to the next tier.

If you are moved to the higher tier and your order total decreases please contact our support team at support@selro.com and they will review your account and subscription package accordingly.

Where is Selro’s customer support base?2024-06-07T07:00:24+00:00

Selro’s customer support is based in the UK (Reading and Southampton)

What are the support hours?2023-03-11T08:11:50+00:00

Selro support hours are as follows.

Phone and Chat Support 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM GMT MON-FRI
Email Support 8.30 AM to 10 PM GMT every day, including Saturday and Sunday